In 1950, Daniel Evan Strayer published the “History of DeGraff”, a 160-page historic perspective of the Village of DeGraff as part of a Bicentennial project of the Riverside Lions Club. The book was revised and republished in 1976.
In accepting the task of writing a History of DeGraff, for the past one hundred years, we realize, no work of history ever yet escaped error and one hundred years is a vast field to cover.
We shall incorporate in this history, events concerning DeGraff, only, after we have checked old dairies, newspapers and business memorandum books, covering the period. We have resided in DeGraff the greater part of the past century — have lived from the candle age to the television. All the changes in our manner of living, because of the machine age and inventions, have come within our life span.
We shall endeavor to compile in history, how these changes affected DeGraff and its people.
The many laborious months passed in critical study, have, perhaps, given the author of this book, some right to speak with assurance on questions relating to our early history. In compiling this book, we have confined our selves to facts — to proven events. Attempt to write a little about everything is fatal to lucidity, but, it has been our aim to leave you with a relish for reading DeGraff’s history.
Daniel Evan Strayer
The Author